Research shows that stress is mostly created in teens by?

Exams, money, and friends
Romantic relationships
Family problems
Drugs and sex

While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of stress in teenagers as they can vary from individual to individual, the following factors are commonly known to contribute to stress among teens:

1. Academic pressure: Exams, tests, assignments, and the fear of failure can lead to significant stress among teenagers.

2. Peer pressure: The desire to fit in, socialize, and be accepted by friends can create stress in teenagers. This pressure may involve issues related to popularity, social image, or the fear of missing out.

3. Family problems: Conflicts within the family, such as divorce, financial problems, domestic violence, or unstable home environments, can greatly contribute to stress among teenagers.

4. Relationships: Romantic relationships, including breakups and conflicts, can cause stress among teenagers who may struggle with issues like jealousy, insecurity, or fear of rejection.

5. Self-image and body image: The pressure to conform to societal beauty standards, coupled with personal insecurities, can lead to stress and anxiety among teenagers.

6. Future uncertainty: Thinking about their future, making career choices, and the pressure to succeed can weigh heavily on teenagers' mental health.

It is important to note that the impact of drugs and sex on stress in teenagers can vary and may depend on various factors, including personal beliefs, values, upbringing, peer influences, and access to support systems.