Jack is planning to open a pet adoption center for cats and dogs. Each cat can be fed $2 worth of food, and each dog can be fed $3 worth of food. He can accept at least 40 pets in total, but he is also limited by the city's budget and can spend no more than $305 on food. Create a system of inequalities to match this situation

Let x represent the number of cats.

Let y represent the number of dogs.

The total number of pets can be represented by the inequality: x + y ≥ 40.

The cost of feeding the cats can be represented by the inequality: 2x ≤ 305.
The cost of feeding the dogs can be represented by the inequality: 3y ≤ 305.

Therefore, the system of inequalities is:
x + y ≥ 40
2x ≤ 305
3y ≤ 305