Triangle QRS and its dimensions are shown.

Which measurements in centimeters represent the dimensions of a triangle that is similar to triangle QRS?

Question 8 options:

8cm, 14 cm, 17 cm

10 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm

4 cm, 10 cm, 13 cm

12 cm, 24 cm, 36 cm

To determine the dimensions of a triangle that is similar to triangle QRS, we need to identify the relationship between the side lengths.

Since similar triangles have proportional side lengths, the ratios of corresponding sides in the triangles should be equal.

Looking at triangle QRS, we can see that the side lengths are 8 cm, 17 cm, and 15 cm.

Now we need to find a set of side lengths that has the same ratio as the side lengths in triangle QRS.

The only set of side lengths with the same ratio is 4 cm, 10 cm, and 13 cm.

Therefore, the correct answer is 4 cm, 10 cm, 13 cm.