Analyze Indigenous resistance movements from the colonial period to the post-Revolutionary

War period. (1 point)
European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. The Indigenous people were never able to fight back.
European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with kindness.
• Still, Indigenous people fought them. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.
European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. These
• practices led Indigenous people to fight back. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.
European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty.
Mainly, Indigenous people did not fight back. The Pueblo Rebellion was the exception.

European colonizers in the Americas, for the most part, treated Indigenous people with cruelty and oppression. However, despite the overwhelming power and resources of the colonizers, Indigenous resistance movements emerged during the colonial period and continued into the post-Revolutionary War period.

One example of Indigenous resistance is the Pueblo Rebellion in 1680. The Pueblo people in what is now modern-day New Mexico and Arizona were subjected to harsh treatment by the Spanish colonizers, who forced them to convert to Christianity and imposed heavy labor and tribute requirements. In response to these oppressive policies, the Pueblo people, led by Popé, coordinated an uprising against the Spanish colonizers. The rebellion was successful in driving the Spanish out of Pueblo lands and reclaiming their independence for a brief period.

Another notable example of Indigenous resistance is the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy during the Revolutionary War. Initially, the Iroquois Confederacy, a powerful alliance of six Native nations, tried to maintain a neutral stance during the conflict. However, as American settlers encroached on their lands and the Patriots' cause threatened their autonomy, some Iroquois tribes aligned with the British forces in hope of protecting their interests. The alliance became divided, with some tribes supporting the American Patriots. This internal conflict within the Iroquois Confederacy resulted in a brutal civil war and marked the decline of their power and influence in the region.

These examples highlight how the oppressive practices of European colonial powers pushed Indigenous people to fight back and resist their domination. The Indigenous resistance movements during the colonial and post-Revolutionary War periods demonstrate the resilience and determination of Indigenous peoples to protect their lands, cultures, and rights in the face of colonization.