) The original price of an apricot is $0.32. There is a sale for 75% off. How much will Kayla pay if she buys it during the sale?

If there is a 75% off sale, Kayla will only have to pay 25% of the original price.

So, Kayla will only pay $0.32 x 25/100 = $0.08 for an apricot. Answer: \boxed{0.08}.

2.) The price for carnival admission has been marked up by 15%. If the price was originally $15, how much is the price of admission now?

If the price has been marked up by 15%, the admission price is now 100% + 15% = 115% of its original price.

So, the price of admission now is $15 x 115/100 = $17.25. Answer: \boxed{17.25}.