The Thai Pepper has a hotness rating of 7.5 × 10^4 on the Scoville scale. The Red Savina Habanero has a hotness rating of 4.6 × 10^5 on the Scoville scale. How many times hotter is the Red Savina Habanero than the Thai Pepper?

To find out how many times hotter the Red Savina Habanero is than the Thai Pepper, we need to calculate the ratio of their hotness ratings.

Ratio = Red Savina Habanero hotness rating / Thai Pepper hotness rating

Ratio = (4.6 × 10^5) / (7.5 × 10^4)

To divide numbers in scientific notation, we subtract the exponents:

Ratio = (4.6 / 7.5) × (10^5 / 10^4)

Ratio = 0.613333 × 10^1

We can simplify 0.613333 to 0.613 to make calculations easier:

Ratio ≈ 0.613 × 10^1

To convert this to standard notation, we multiply 0.613 by 10:

Ratio ≈ 6.13

Therefore, the Red Savina Habanero is approximately 6.13 times hotter than the Thai Pepper.