In 4 sentences, explain the effects of acid rain on the environment

Acid rain has detrimental effects on the environment. It damages forests and decreases plant and animal populations by affecting their habitats and food sources. It also pollutes water bodies, reducing the survival and reproductive abilities of aquatic organisms. Acid rain corrodes buildings, statues, and monuments made of stone and metal, causing structural damage and cultural heritage loss. Overall, acid rain contributes to environmental deterioration and poses a significant threat to ecosystem health.


Acid rain damages forests, reduces plant and animal populations, pollutes water bodies, and corrodes structures like buildings and monuments. It poses a significant threat to the environment and ecosystem health.

Now can u make the words more simple like a 6th grader level

Acid rain hurts forests, makes plants and animals go away, makes water dirty, and ruins buildings and monuments. It's really bad for the environment and the animals and plants that live there.