23. In what way was the growth of suburbs linked to the rise in automobile production?

Suburbs grew because people could now…

1. Commute longer distances to work: The rise in automobile production allowed people to easily travel longer distances, making it feasible for them to live in suburban areas and commute to work in urban areas.

2. Access amenities and services in urban areas: Suburbs were typically located outside of urban areas where essential amenities such as grocery stores, shopping centers, and schools were scarce. The availability of automobiles made it easier for suburban residents to access these services in urban areas.

3. Enjoy a suburban lifestyle: The automobile enabled people to escape the crowded and polluted urban centers and enjoy a more peaceful and spacious suburban lifestyle. The ability to easily travel by car made suburban living more attractive and accessible to many people.

4. Increased mobility and flexibility: With the growth of automobile production, people had greater mobility and flexibility in choosing where to live. They were no longer restricted to living within walking distance or relying on public transportation. This led to the development of new suburban communities as people could easily travel to and from these areas.

Overall, the rise in automobile production made it easier and more convenient for people to live in suburban areas, leading to the growth of suburbs.