What character traits did they need to survive during the celestials railroad?

Surviving during the Celestials Railroad likely required a combination of several character traits. These may include:

1. Resilience: The Celestials Railroad was a perilous journey filled with various dangers, including treacherous terrain, harsh weather conditions, and potential encounters with hostile individuals. Survivors needed to display resilience to endure such challenges and keep moving forward.

2. Adaptability: The Celestials Railroad was an ever-changing route, with shifting paths and constant surprises. Survivors needed to be adaptable, quickly adjusting their plans, and finding alternative routes to avoid obstacles or dangers.

3. Resourcefulness: Resources would have been scarce during the journey. Survivors needed to be resourceful, making the most of what was available to sustain themselves and their group. This might involve finding food and water, building temporary shelters, or creating tools for their journey.

4. Perseverance: The Celestials Railroad was a long and arduous journey, often spanning thousands of miles. Survivors needed to exhibit perseverance to push through physical and mental exhaustion, setbacks, and hardships, while maintaining their determination to reach their destination.

5. Trustworthiness: When undertaking such a perilous journey, individuals relied on one another for support and to watch each other's backs. Survivors needed to be trustworthy, dependable, and reliable, as their lives may have depended on the unity and cooperation within the group.

6. Courage: The Celestials Railroad was a dangerous endeavor, with the risk of encountering law enforcement, slave catchers, or hostile communities. Survivors needed to exhibit courage to confront these risks, stand up for their rights and the rights of others, and face the potential consequences of their actions.

7. Empathy: The Celestials Railroad aimed to rescue and provide freedom to enslaved individuals. Survivors needed to possess empathy, understanding the struggles and trauma faced by those seeking freedom, and providing support, encouragement, and comfort to those in need.

8. Secrecy: The Celestials Railroad operated clandestinely to avoid detection and interference from authorities. Survivors needed to be able to keep secrets, remain discreet, and operate covertly to protect the network and those relying on it.

9. Determination: The journey along the Celestials Railroad demanded a strong sense of purpose and a steadfast determination to achieve freedom. Survivors needed to possess unwavering resolve to persevere through the difficulties, setbacks, and dangers and never lose sight of their ultimate goal.

It is important to note that the traits required for survival during the Celestials Railroad may vary from individual to individual, as different roles and responsibilities were undertaken within the network. Additionally, each person's unique set of strengths and attributes would have contributed to their ability to survive and assist others along the way.