Hey factories pipe cutting machine cuts pieces of pipe to be threaded. The length of pipe to be cut is 8 feet. How many 2/3 long pieces of pipe can be cut from a 8 foot long pipe?

To determine how many 2/3 long pieces of pipe can be cut from an 8-foot long pipe, we need to divide the length of the pipe by the length of each piece.

Length of each piece of pipe = 2/3 of 8 feet = (2/3) * 8 = 16/3 = 5.33 feet (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Number of pieces that can be cut = Length of pipe / Length of each piece = 8 feet / 5.33 feet = 1.5 pieces (rounded to nearest whole number)

Therefore, the factory can cut 1.5 pieces of 2/3 long pipes from an 8-foot long pipe.

That’s wrong the answers are…

A: 6
B: 12
C: 18
D: 24

Apologies for the incorrect response. To determine the correct answer, we will divide the length of the pipe (8 feet) by the length of each 2/3 long piece of pipe.

Length of each piece of pipe = 2/3 of 8 feet = (2/3) * 8 = 16/3 = 5.33 feet (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Number of pieces that can be cut = Length of pipe / Length of each piece = 8 feet / 5.33 feet = 1.50 pieces (rounded to nearest whole number)

The correct answer is 6 (A).