which of these topics would be the most interesting and would have the most information to write a four page research paper on?


Siege of Boston
Action of 20-21 April; 1782
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
Battle of Bunker Hill
Capture of Turtle Bay Depot
Siege of Savage’s Old Fields
Snow Campaign

Famous Figures

John Adams
Benjamin Franklin
Alexander Hamilton
John Hancock
John Jay
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Samuel Adams
Patrick Henry
Thomas Paine
Molly Pitcher
Samuel Prescott
Paul Revere
Arthur St. Clair
Nathan Hale
Francis Marion
Andrew Pickens
Daniel Shays
George Washington
Crispus Attucks
Peter Salem
Jack Sisson
Prince Whipple

It ultimately depends on your personal interests and what you find most fascinating. However, both Battles and Famous Figures offer a wide range of topics to choose from for a four-page research paper. If you prefer studying history and military tactics, battles such as the Siege of Boston, Battle of Bunker Hill, or the Capture of Fort Ticonderoga could be intriguing options. Each battle has its own unique story and significance in the American Revolution.

On the other hand, if you find individuals more interesting, the Famous Figures category offers a variety of influential people from the time period. You could explore the contributions and impact of figures like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, or George Washington. These individuals played crucial roles in shaping the American Revolution and its aftermath.

Regardless of which topic you choose, make sure to conduct thorough research and select a focused aspect to cover in your four-page research paper.