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Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire. (4 points)

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Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire. (4 points)

Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire? Here are 4 points:

1. Christians and Jews: They were generally tolerated and allowed to practice their faith, but faced certain restrictions and were required to pay a special tax called jizya.

2. Zoroastrians: They faced discrimination and persecution, as their religion was seen as a threat to Islam. Many were forced to convert or flee.

3. Polytheistic religions: Rulers promoted the spread of Islam and discouraged the practice of polytheism. Conversion or punishment was often imposed.

4. Muslims: Islam was the dominant religion, and Muslims were given certain privileges and rights under the rulers' and Islamic law.

That's the gist, hope it helps!

which contains the words and actions of mohammed the sunnah or shaira

The words and actions of Mohammed are contained in the Sunnah.