Kiani is shopping at a bookstore with a budget of $60. Hardbacks cost $12 and paperbacks cost $5. Write a two-variable inequality and determine the constraints of the problem. Which of the following points represents a viable solution?(1 point) Responses





Let x represent the number of hardbacks and y represent the number of paperbacks that Kiani can purchase.

The cost of the hardbacks is $12 per book, so the total cost of hardbacks is 12x.
The cost of the paperbacks is $5 per book, so the total cost of paperbacks is 5y.

The budget constraint is that the total cost of the books cannot exceed $60, so the inequality is:
12x + 5y ≤ 60

Out of the given points, the point (6,6) represents a viable solution because:
12(6) + 5(6) = 72 + 30 = 102, which is greater than 60. Thus, this point does not satisfy the inequality and is not a feasible solution.

Therefore, none of the given points represent a viable solution.