Based on the tree map from question 6 and what you have learned in the class, evaluate which innovation (Steamboat, Eerie Canal, or the National Road) was the most impactful at this time. Please provide 2-3 examples of evidence in a 4-5 sentence response using the RADD method (restate, answer, detail, detail). Must be in the student's own words. 

Based on the tree map and what we have learned, the most impactful innovation at this time was the Steamboat. One piece of evidence is that the Steamboat revolutionized transportation by allowing goods and people to be transported faster and more efficiently along the rivers. This is evident in the increased number of goods and people transported along the Mississippi River, as shown in the tree map. Additionally, the Steamboat contributed to the growth of trade and commerce by opening up new markets for goods. This is seen in the expansion of trade routes, such as from New Orleans to the Caribbean. Lastly, the Steamboat played a significant role in the westward expansion of the United States, as it allowed settlers to travel and settle in the western territories more easily and quickly. In summary, the Steamboat had a profound impact during this time period and transformed various aspects of society and the economy.