where could Native Americans typically expect better treatment by the spanish

During the Spanish colonization period, Native Americans could generally expect better treatment in areas where the Spanish adopted a more cooperative and assimilationist approach. Some regions where Native Americans had a more positive experience under Spanish rule include:

1. Spanish coastal areas in present-day Florida and Georgia: Here, the Spanish established missions with the aim of converting Native Americans to Christianity. These missions focused on peaceful coexistence and the protection of Indigenous cultures, providing education, healthcare, and protection from other European colonizers.

2. Spanish settlements in present-day New Mexico (including Pueblo communities): The Spanish adopted a policy of encomienda, which involved granting land and natives to Spanish settlers for protection and conversion to Christianity. Spanish settlers often married Native American women, leading to a more blended and inclusive society compared to other European colonies.

3. Areas with complex Indigenous societies like the Aztec and Inca Empires: The Spanish initially partnered with local indigenous allies to conquer these empires. In some cases, they made alliances with Indigenous leaders and maintained a degree of respect for native governance systems, resulting in a relatively more harmonious relationship.

4. Spanish-controlled areas in present-day Peru: While the Spanish exploited and enslaved Native Americans for labor, they also made efforts to protect their rights and established institutions to oversee labor conditions. This led to better treatment compared to other regions where exploitation was more intense.

5. Spanish-controlled areas in present-day California: The Spanish Franciscan missionaries established a network of missions in California, focusing on Christian conversion and education. Despite the severe disruption to Native American cultures, some missions were more benevolently run and sought to assimilate Native Americans into Spanish society.

It is important to note that the treatment of Native Americans by the Spanish was ultimately mixed, with instances of brutal violence, exploitation, and forced labor also being prevalent throughout Spanish colonies.