find the dilation of 5 with center (0,0) for the following points if A (6, -8) B (-1, -6)

To find the dilation of a point with respect to a center, we need to multiply the coordinates of the point by the dilation factor.

Given that the center is (0, 0) and the dilation factor is 5,

For point A (6, -8):
The coordinates of point A after dilation would be:
x-coordinate: 6 * 5 = 30
y-coordinate: -8 * 5 = -40

So, after dilation, point A would be located at (30, -40).

For point B (-1, -6):
The coordinates of point B after dilation would be:
x-coordinate: -1 * 5 = -5
y-coordinate: -6 * 5 = -30

So, after dilation, point B would be located at (-5, -30).