An increase in which of the following could increase the long-billed curlew population?

There are several factors that could potentially increase the long-billed curlew population. Some possibilities include:

1. Availability of suitable breeding habitat: Increased availability of appropriate nesting grounds and feeding areas can positively impact the curlew population. This could involve preserving or restoring grasslands, wetlands, and coastal areas that are vital for their breeding and foraging activities.

2. Reduced predation: Implementing measures to reduce predation on curlew nests and chicks, such as predator control programs or habitat management strategies that create better protection from predators, can help boost their population.

3. Conservation efforts: Implementing conservation measures, such as captive breeding programs or habitat restoration initiatives, can directly contribute to an increase in the curlew population.

4. Reduced disturbance: Minimizing human disturbance, especially during nesting and breeding seasons, can be beneficial for curlews as it reduces disruptions and increases their chances of reproductive success.

5. Increased prey availability: Ensuring an ample supply of suitable food sources, such as invertebrates and small vertebrates that curlews feed on, can support their reproductive success and overall population growth.

6. International cooperation: Collaborative efforts between countries, particularly in terms of conservation and habitat protection, can help safeguard curlew populations during migration and wintering grounds.

It is worth noting that each population is influenced by a combination of factors, and the specific needs and characteristics of long-billed curlews may vary depending on their location and ecosystem.