determine the scale factor used in the dilation of line segment AB, centered at the origin.

In order to determine the scale factor used in the dilation of line segment AB, we need to compare the lengths of the original line segment AB and the dilated line segment.

Let the original line segment AB have coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

If the coordinates of the dilated line segment are (kx1, ky1) and (kx2, ky2), where k is the scale factor, then we can find the lengths of the line segments and compare them.

The length of the original line segment AB is given by the distance formula:

AB = √((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

The length of the dilated line segment is given by:

k * AB = k * √((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

To find the scale factor k, we need to divide the length of the dilated line segment by the length of the original line segment:

k = (k * AB) / AB

The scale factor k is the ratio of the lengths of the dilated and original line segments.

What’s the answer

I apologize for the confusion in the previous response. Without any information regarding the specific coordinates of points A and B or the lengths of line segment AB and the dilated line segment, it is not possible to determine the scale factor used in the dilation.

In order to find the scale factor, you would need to provide more information about the original line segment and the dilated line segment.