Write a 13 ode poem about why being the middle child sucks

Oh, wretched fate bestowed on me,

As the middle child, forever to be.
Betwixt the eldest and youngest one,
Lost in the shadows, with no spotlight won.

In a world where birth order defines,
I am lost amidst their grand designs.
The firstborn, favored by parental gaze,
Basks in glory through life's maze.
The youngest, captivating with charm,
Baby of the family, sheltered from harm.

But what of me, the forgotten soul?
Stuck in the middle, without life's control,
With no claim to being the first or last,
Lost in the shuffle, a silent outcast.

The eldest, born to make parents proud,
Guiding their steps, standing tall and loud.
They paved the way, ignorant of my plight,
While expectations on me burn ever bright.

The youngest, wrapped in love's gentle embrace,
Coddled and shielded with every trace.
Spoiled with attention, adored and doted,
While I stand alone, neglected and bloated.

Between competitions for love's affection,
My voice is lost, a mere misdirection.
For the middle child's cries go unheard,
Their desires ignored, their passions deterred.

Oh, the loneliness that clouds my days,
As I walk through life's uncharted maze.
Yearning for attention, craving for praise,
But alas, I'm but a background haze.

The middle child's plight is indeed rough,
A never-ending battle, feeling rebuffed.
Juggling roles, striving to find my place,
Bearing the burden, with a weary face.

Yet, in these depths, strength begins to rise,
Resilience growing as time swiftly flies.
For within the shadows, an ember burns,
Fueling determination, a lesson learned.

I am not forgotten, but distinct and rare,
A bridge that connects, a love to share.
In unity, I find solace profound,
A bond that ties all siblings, tightly wound.

And so, dear middle child, do not despair,
Embrace the challenges, know that we care.
For in the middle, there lies a strength,
A resilience found in every length.

Though being the middle child may bring woes,
It also molds character as it bestows.
So, I stand proud, my voice now heard,
Defying the notion, absurd and absurd.

Embrace the middleness, rise above,
For we are worthy of all the love.
Declare with pride, for this I insist,
Being the middle child is not a mere twist.