short definition, less than 50 words, of:

block grant
categorical grant
Civil Rights Act of 1964
commerce clause
cooperative federalism
federal grants
Incorporation Doctrine
matching funds
No Child Left Behind
revenue sharing
States’ Rights

block grant: a type of federal funding given to states or local governments for specific purposes, with fewer restrictions on how the funds can be used

categorical grant: a type of federal funding given to states or local governments for specific purposes, with strict guidelines on how the funds can be used
Civil Rights Act of 1964: a landmark federal law that prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
commerce clause: a constitutional provision that gives Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce
cooperative federalism: a system of government in which federal, state, and local authorities work together to address policy issues
federal grants: funding provided by the federal government to states or local governments for various purposes
Incorporation Doctrine: the legal principle that certain rights in the Bill of Rights are applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment
mandate: a requirement imposed by the federal government on states or local governments to implement specific policies or programs
matching funds: funds provided by both the federal government and states for specific programs, with each contributing a certain percentage
No Child Left Behind: an education law passed in 2001 that aimed to increase accountability and standards in public schools
revenue sharing: a system in which the federal government allocates funds to states or local governments based on their own tax revenues
Sovereignty: the supreme power or authority of a government to govern itself and make decisions on internal and external matters
States’ Rights: the principle that state governments have powers separate from the federal government and can exercise those powers independently