A dress was marked 60% above cost but was sold at a discount of 5% for cash.Of the dress was sold for R182,40. Calculate the cost price

Let's assume the cost price of the dress is C.

The dress was marked 60% above cost, so the selling price before the discount is 1.60C.

The dress was then sold at a discount of 5%, so the selling price after the discount is 0.95 times the selling price before the discount: 0.95(1.60C) = 1.52C.

We know that the dress was sold for R182,40, so we can set up the following equation:

1.52C = R182,40

To solve for C, we divide both sides of the equation by 1.52:

C = R182,40 / 1.52

C = R120

Therefore, the cost price of the dress is R120.