in recent years family mobility has contributed to a lessening of the influence of the

What are your choices?

A. Nuclear family

B. single - parent family

C. Extended family

D. Dual- income family

A. Nuclear family

In recent years, family mobility has contributed to a lessening of the influence of the extended family on individuals. This trend can be attributed to various factors such as economic opportunities, social changes, and advancements in transportation and communication.

To understand this phenomenon in more detail, we can consider the following points:

1. Economic opportunities: With globalization and the increasing mobility of jobs, people often have to relocate to different cities or countries in search of better employment prospects. This usually means leaving behind the extended family and moving to places where they can maximize their career growth. As a result, individuals become more independent and rely less on the support and influence of their extended family.

2. Social changes: Societal developments, such as increased individualism and changing cultural norms, have also played a role in the lessening influence of the extended family. People today tend to prioritize their personal ambitions, aspirations, and freedom to make independent decisions. This shift in values reduces their reliance on the guidance and interference of the extended family.

3. Advancements in transportation and communication: Improved transportation systems and technological advancements in communication have made it easier for families to maintain connections despite physical distance. With the availability of affordable air travel, efficient road networks, and instant communication tools like video calls and social media, individuals can stay connected with their families even if they live far away. This reduces the need for constant physical presence and diminishes the influence of the extended family.

To summarize, the lessening influence of the extended family on individuals in recent years can be attributed to economic opportunities leading to relocation, social changes emphasizing individualism, and advancements in transportation and communication. These factors have facilitated increased family mobility and allowed individuals to be more independent and distance themselves from the influence of their extended family members.