what movies or books has ursla been in?

Ursula is a popular fictional character known for her appearance in various movies and books. Here are a few notable ones:

1. "The Little Mermaid" - Ursula is the main antagonist in the 1989 Disney animated film and its subsequent sequels and adaptations.
2. "Descendants" series - Ursula appears as one of the villains in the Disney Channel Original Movie series, played by actress China Anne McClain.

1. "The Little Mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen - Ursula (known as the Sea Witch or the Witch of the Sea) is a character in Andersen's original fairy tale on which the Disney movie is loosely based.
2. "Poor Unfortunate Soul: A Tale of the Sea Witch" by Serena Valentino - This novel explores Ursula's backstory and is part of the Disney Villains book series.

Note that Ursula's character may have appeared in various adaptations, spin-offs, and merchandise related to "The Little Mermaid" franchise.