How long will a passenger sitting near the window of an SGR train travelling at 360 km/h see a local train passing by in the opposite direction with a speed of 100 km /h? The length of the local train is 315 m.

To calculate the time it takes for the local train to pass by the passenger, we need to consider their relative speeds. The relative speed between the SGR train and the local train is the sum of their individual speeds.

Relative speed = Speed of SGR train + Speed of local train
Relative speed = 360 km/h + 100 km/h
Relative speed = 460 km/h

Since the length of the local train is given in meters, we need to convert the relative speed to meters per hour.

1 km = 1000 m
460 km/h = 460,000 m/h

Now we can calculate the time it takes for the local train to pass by the passenger using the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 315 m / 460,000 m/h

The distance and speed are both in meters and meters per hour, so the resulting time will be in hours.

Time = 0.0006847826 hours

To convert this to minutes, we can multiply by 60.

Time = 0.0006847826 hours * 60 minutes/hour
Time ≈ 0.041 minutes

Therefore, the passenger will see the local train passing by in approximately 0.041 minutes, or about 2.5 seconds.