The framers of the Constitution made it so that impeachment requires a supermajority instead of a simple majority to pass. Why do you think this is? Answer this in one short paragraph

The framers of the Constitution likely required a supermajority for impeachment to ensure that the process would be thorough, fair, and reflective of a broad consensus among representatives. Requiring more than a simple majority prevents the potential misuse of impeachment as a purely partisan tool and provides a higher bar for removing a duly elected official from office, thereby protecting against hasty or politically motivated actions.

reword it in a way a student might write it

The framers of the Constitution wanted to make sure that impeaching a public official was not done hastily or driven by political biases. To achieve this, they decided that a supermajority, or more than just a simple majority, would be required for impeachment. This means that a broad consensus among representatives would be necessary, allowing for a more thorough and fair process. By setting a higher bar for removal from office, they aimed to prevent the misuse of impeachment as a purely partisan tool and safeguard against rash or politically motivated actions.