General William T Sherman explained that his aim was to relentlessly pursue the confederates and make them fear and dread him in the union army, which wartime strategy is represented by this idea

I answered naval blockage, which was incorrect. The correct answer was total war. Can you explain to me why mine was wrong and the other one was correct.

The quote you mentioned from General William T. Sherman indicates his intention to relentlessly pursue and strike fear into the Confederate forces. This ideology aligns with the concept of total war, rather than naval blockade.

Naval blockade was a strategic measure employed during the American Civil War by the Union in order to cut off Confederate supplies and trade routes by blocking their coastal ports. This strategy aimed to weaken the enemy economically and prevent them from receiving vital resources. While naval blockades were an important part of the Union strategy, Sherman's quote suggests a more aggressive and comprehensive approach.

Total war, on the other hand, involves utilizing all available resources and tactics to defeat the enemy, not just restricting it to naval blockades. In the context of the American Civil War, it referred to the Union's commitment to crush the Confederacy by targeting not only military objectives but also civilian infrastructure, resources, and support systems. Sherman's famous "March to the Sea" campaign, where his forces ravaged Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah, exemplifies the total war strategy, aiming to destroy the Confederacy's will to fight by bringing the war directly to the civilian population and creating fear and destruction.