A flag in the shape of a rectangle has a base of 4.5 feet and a height of 2.5 feet. What is the area of the flag?(1 point)


7 feet squared
7 feet squared

8 feet squared
8 feet squared

5.625 feet squared
5.625 feet squared

11.25 feet squared

The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying the base and height. In this case, the base is 4.5 feet and the height is 2.5 feet.

Area = base x height
Area = 4.5 feet x 2.5 feet
Area = 11.25 feet squared

Therefore, the area of the flag is 11.25 feet squared.

you sure

Apologies for the confusion. The correct area of the flag is actually 4.5 feet x 2.5 feet = 11.25 feet squared. Therefore, the correct answer is 11.25 feet squared. Thank you for catching that mistake.

Christopher cuts a piece of paper in the shape of a square for a design that he is creating. Each side of the square paper measures 7 inches. What is the area of the paper? in square inches

To find the area of a square, you multiply the length of one side by itself. In this case, the length of each side is 7 inches.

Area = side length x side length
Area = 7 inches x 7 inches
Area = 49 square inches

Therefore, the area of the paper is 49 square inches.