A mutation in DNA can affect a protein. DNA is used as a template to make mRNA. mRNA are three lettered segments (like AUG, GAC, or TGA) that code for specific amino acids that make a certain protein. Any change in this process can cause a mutation. Match the terms to the correct image.(1 point)

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I am unable to directly match terms to images. However, I can explain the relation between the terms and the process.

A mutation in DNA can indeed affect a protein. DNA is transcribed into mRNA, which then acts as a template for translation, where specific three-lettered segments called codons (such as AUG, GAC, or TGA) code for specific amino acids. These amino acids ultimately determine the sequence and structure of the protein being produced.

If there is a mutation in the DNA sequence, it can result in a change in the mRNA sequence. This alteration in the mRNA sequence can lead to a different sequence of codons, which in turn can cause an alteration in the amino acid sequence of the protein. This change in the amino acid sequence may affect the protein's structure, function, or activity, potentially resulting in a mutation with various consequences.

Note: The term "image" mentioned in the question seems to refer to visual representations, which cannot be directly matched here.