Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers is greater: 34,835,760 or 43,835,760. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.(1 point)


To write these numbers in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point so that there is only one nonzero digit to the left of it.

34,835,760 can be written as 3.483576 × 10^7.
43,835,760 can be written as 4.383576 × 10^7.

Comparing the two numbers, we can see that 4.383576 × 10^7 is greater than 3.483576 × 10^7.

Therefore, the number 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760 when expressed in scientific notation.


Apologies for the incorrect answer.

To compare the two numbers using scientific notation, we need to write them in a standard form with the same power of 10.

34,835,760 can be written as 3.483576 × 10^7, as we move the decimal point to the left of the original number.
43,835,760 can be written as 4.383576 × 10^7, using the same method.

Comparing the two numbers, we can see that the coefficient for both is the same (3.483576), but the power of 10 for 43,835,760 (10^7) is greater than that for 34,835,760 (10^7).

Therefore, the number 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760 when expressed in scientific notation.