What are some of the civil rigths that can be restored by the petitioner after the approval of absolute pardon

After the approval of an absolute pardon, some civil rights that can be restored to the petitioner may include:

1. The right to vote: In some cases, individuals who have been convicted of felonies may have their voting rights restored after receiving an absolute pardon. This can allow them to participate fully in the democratic process.

2. The right to serve on a jury: Pardons can sometimes restore the right to serve on a jury, which is an essential civic duty.

3. The right to hold public office: Absolute pardons can remove restrictions on individuals from holding public office. This can allow them to pursue careers in politics or other public service roles.

4. The right to own firearms: In certain cases, an absolute pardon may restore the right to own firearms, which is restricted for convicted felons in many jurisdictions.

5. The right to obtain professional licenses: Pardons can remove barriers that prevent individuals from obtaining certain professional licenses, such as those required for careers in law, medicine, or other regulated fields.

It is important to note that the specific rights that can be restored vary depending on the laws and regulations of each jurisdiction, as well as the terms of the absolute pardon granted.