A mutation arises in a bird population that increases the length of its beak. Although many mutations are harmful this particular mutation has increased the ability of the bird to catch and eat certain insects. Formulate the most likely outcome resulting from this mutation

The most likely outcome resulting from this mutation is that the bird population with longer beaks will have a competitive advantage over the birds with shorter beaks. This advantage will enable them to catch and eat the specific insects more efficiently, providing them with a greater food source. As a result, the bird population with longer beaks will have higher chances of survival and reproduction, leading to an increase in their population size.

Over time, natural selection will favor the individuals with longer beaks, causing the frequency of this particular mutation to increase within the population. Eventually, the bird population may undergo further adaptations, such as changes in beak size and shape, to optimize their feeding abilities. This process is known as adaptive radiation, where a single species diversifies into multiple specialized forms to exploit different ecological niches.

Overall, the mutation increasing the beak length in the bird population will lead to an improved ability to catch and eat certain insects, resulting in the establishment of a more successful and dominant population with longer beaks.