What policy did Plessy v. Ferguson establish in 1896?

Pick one of the correct answer below.

Established a “separate but equal” doctrine. The government supported a legal segregation in the south based on race.
Established the “all together” doctrine that make it illegal to separate people based on race.
Established a “separate but equal” doctrine. The government supported a legal segregation in the south based on education.
Established a “be my friend” doctrine. The government supported a legal distinction between prop and amateur sports teams.

Established a “separate but equal” doctrine. The government supported a legal segregation in the south based on race.

What was the Federal government’s attitude toward Native Americans in the 1800s?

Pick one of the correct answer below.

Throughout the 1800s, the United States government waged a campaign to relocate Native Americans to Reservations. This included military action and treaties sponsored by the United States government.
The Federal government did not take hostile action toward the Natives.
There was little to no conflict between Natives and settlers.
Throughout the 1800s, the United States government waged a campaign to save Native Americans. This included returning land and writing them “I’m sorry” letters.

Throughout the 1800s, the United States government waged a campaign to relocate Native Americans to Reservations. This included military action and treaties sponsored by the United States government.