what are some cons aboutSiddhartha Gautama

It is important to note that this answer does not represent a personal opinion but rather highlights some common criticisms or concerns raised about Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism:

1. Lack of Historicity: Some scholars question the historical accuracy of Siddhartha Gautama's life story. They argue that there is limited concrete evidence to confirm the existence of Siddhartha as an individual rather than a legendary figure.

2. Abandonment: Siddhartha Gautama abandoned his family, including his wife and child, in his pursuit of enlightenment. Critics argue that this act is viewed negatively in terms of fulfilling familial responsibilities and duties.

3. Asceticism: Prior to his enlightenment, Siddhartha practiced extreme asceticism, voluntarily subjecting himself to extreme self-denial and physical deprivation. Critics argue that this excessive practice may promote unhealthy behavior or an unbalanced lifestyle.

4. Gender Inequality: Siddhartha Gautama's teachings were criticized for their limited emphasis on gender equality. Some argue that early Buddhist doctrines favored male disciples over female ones, resulting in gender discrimination in the monastic community.

5. Resistance to Social Change: Siddhartha Gautama's focus on personal spiritual development and detachment from worldly affairs has been criticized for potentially undermining social activism or contribution towards societal change.

6. Lack of Theistic Elements: Some people criticize Buddhism, including its founder Siddhartha Gautama, for its non-theistic nature. The absence of a Supreme Being or belief in a creator God is seen unfavorably by those who require or value theistic elements in religious practices.

It is important to note that despite these criticisms, Siddhartha Gautama and Buddhism have had an immense impact on millions of people globally and are widely respected.