
Cubecart is an e-commerce software platform designed for creating and managing online stores. It allows businesses to easily sell products and services online, manage inventory, process payments, and handle various aspects of running an online store.

Cubecart offers features like customizable website templates, multiple payment gateway options, inventory management, product categorization, discount codes, customer and order management, and integration with popular third-party tools and services. It also provides a user-friendly interface and is designed to be easily used by both beginners and advanced users.

The platform is highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor their online stores to match their brand identity and specific requirements. It supports various integrations and extensions, giving users the ability to add additional functionality to their stores.

Cubecart offers different pricing plans, including a free version with limited features and paid plans with more advanced features and support options. It is known for its robust security features and regular software updates to keep the online stores protected.

Overall, Cubecart is a popular choice for businesses looking to start or expand their online presence with an easy-to-use and feature-rich e-commerce platform.