What is theory of constraints

Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a management philosophy introduced by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt in the 1980s. It states that any system, whether it be a manufacturing process, a supply chain, or even a personal endeavor, is limited by at least one constraint that prevents it from achieving its full potential. TOC aims to identify and effectively manage these constraints in order to optimize the overall performance of the system.

The theory suggests that by focusing on improving or removing the constraint, or "bottleneck," in the system, the entire system can be improved. TOC also emphasizes the importance of aligning the system's activities towards the constraint, ensuring that non-constraint areas do not create excess work that slows down the system.

Overall, the goal of Theory of Constraints is to increase the throughput or output of the system by identifying and managing the constraint, reducing inventory and operating expenses, and ultimately improving overall system performance.