Name 5 small wild animals they we can keep off the farm by use of sound devices

1. Coyotes: Coyotes can be deterred from farms by using sound devices that emit high-pitched frequencies or mimic the sounds of larger predators such as wolves or bears.

2. Deer: Sonic repellents emitting loud and sudden noises can help keep deer away from farm areas. These devices can either emit random sounds or mimic the noise of a predator like a mountain lion or a distress call of another deer.

3. Birds: Sonic bird repellents that emit distress calls or predator sounds can effectively deter birds such as crows, starlings, or pigeons from farms. These devices trick the birds into thinking there is a threat nearby, discouraging them from settling on the farm.

4. Raccoons: Ultrasonic devices emitting high-frequency sounds or alarms that mimic the sounds of larger predators, like dogs or owls, can help keep raccoons away from farms. These devices can disrupt their normal foraging patterns and make them avoid the area.

5. Groundhogs: Ultrasonic repellents or noise-emitting devices that mimic the sounds of predatory animals like foxes or coyotes can be effective in keeping groundhogs away from farm areas. The high-frequency noises can disturb them and discourage them from approaching the farm.