In English, where should you place periods and question marks used in dialogue?(1 point)


outside the opening quotation marks
outside the opening quotation marks

inside the closing quotation marks
inside the closing quotation marks

outside the closing quotation marks
outside the closing quotation marks

inside the opening quotation marks
inside the opening quotation marks

In English, periods and commas should be placed inside the closing quotation marks, while question marks and exclamation points should be placed inside the closing quotation marks only if they apply to the quoted material. Otherwise, question marks and exclamation points should be placed outside the closing quotation marks.

Example 1:
He asked, "Are you coming with us?"
(The question mark is placed inside the closing quotation marks as it applies to the quoted question.)

Example 2:
Did he say, "I will be there soon"?
(The question mark is placed outside the closing quotation marks as it does not apply to the quoted material.)

Thats not a option

I apologize for the confusion. If none of the options provided match the correct answer, the correct placement for periods and question marks used in dialogue is:

inside the closing quotation marks.