Mr. Lopez is at the gas station. He has 2 ½ gallons of gas in his tank. The tank holds 12 gallons. What inequality shows the number of gallons (g) that Mr. Lopez can pump into his tank? Graph the solution.

The inequality that shows the number of gallons (g) that Mr. Lopez can pump into his tank is: g ≤ 12 - 2 ½.

Simplifying the expression on the right side of the inequality:
g ≤ 12 - 2 ½ = 9 ½.

So, g ≤ 9 ½ is the inequality that shows the number of gallons Mr. Lopez can pump into his tank.

To graph the solution, we can plot the points on a number line and shade the region to the left of 9 ½.

Below is the graph of the solution:
<font size=6><=======]</font>9 ½