T w o a d j a c e n t angles angle 1 and angle 2 from a result and angle with a measure of 135°, if the measure of angle 1 equals two times degrees and the measure of angle 2 is 2 * + 7°, what are the two unknown angles measured a angle 1 is 71° and angle 2 is 32 degrees 6.75° and angle 2 is 67.5° c I ain't go one is 32° and angle 2 is 130° B angle 1 is 64° and angle 2 is 71°

The correct answer is B) angle 1 is 64° and angle 2 is 71°.

Given that angle 1 equals two times degrees, and the measure of angle 1 is 71°, we can set up the equation: 2x = 71°. Solving for x, we find that x = 71°/2 = 35.5°. Therefore, the measure of angle 1 is 64° (two times 35.5°).

Given that the measure of angle 2 is 2 * 7°, we can set up the equation: 2x + 7° = 32°. Solving for x, we find that x = (32° - 7°)/2 = 25.5°/2 = 12.75°. Therefore, the measure of angle 2 is 71° (2 times 12.75°), so the correct answer is B) angle 1 is 64° and angle 2 is 71°.