How are the movements of energy and chemicals (matter) through living things in ecosystems different?

Chemicals flow in one direction, and energy cycles.
Energy is limited in the biosphere, and chemicals are always available.
Energy flows in one direction and chemicals cycle.
Energy forms chemical compounds, and chemicals are lost

The correct answer is c) Energy flows in one direction and chemicals cycle.

Energy flows through ecosystems in a unidirectional manner, typically starting with the sun as the ultimate source and being transferred from one organism to another through processes like photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Energy is not recycled or reused but is constantly being transferred and transformed.

On the other hand, chemicals or matter, such as carbon, nitrogen, and water, cycle within ecosystems. These chemicals are taken up by organisms, used for growth and metabolism, and then passed on to other organisms through processes like consumption and decomposition. The chemicals are constantly being recycled and reused within the ecosystem, allowing for a continuous flow of nutrients.