Liam is solving the equation 7x+6(x+3)=83 . His steps are shown below. What mistake did Liam make while solving? 7x+6(x+3)=83 7x+6x+3=83 13x+3=83 13x+3−3=83−3 13x=80 13x13=8013 x=6213 (1 point) Responses Liam did everything correctly. Liam did everything correctly. Liam forgot to distribute the 6 to the 3. Liam forgot to distribute the 6 to the 3. Liam should have subtracted 13 from both sides of the equation rather than dividing. Liam should have subtracted 13 from both sides of the equation rather than dividing. Liam should have added 3 to both sides of the equation rather than subtracting. Liam should have added 3 to both sides of the equation rather than subtracting. Skip to navigation page 2 of 3

Liam forgot to distribute the 6 to the 3.

Solve for x



To solve for x, we can start by combining like terms on both sides of the equation:

3x - 21 = 14 - 4x

To combine like terms, we can add 4x to both sides of the equation:

3x + 4x - 21 = 14 - 4x + 4x


7x - 21 = 14

Next, we can add 21 to both sides of the equation:

7x - 21 + 21 = 14 + 21


7x = 35

Finally, we can divide both sides of the equation by 7 to solve for x:

(7x) / 7 = 35 / 7


x = 5

Therefore, the solution is x = 5.


To solve for x, we can start by distributing the 4 on the left side of the equation and the 5 on the right side:

4(1+3x) = 5(x-2)


4 + 12x = 5x - 10

Next, we can move all the x terms to one side of the equation and constant terms to the other side:

4 - 10 = 5x - 12x


-6 = -7x

Now, we can isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by -7:

-6 / -7 = x


x = 6/7

Therefore, the solution is x = 6/7.

the problem i just gave you must be whole

Apologies for the confusion. Let's solve the equation again with the given condition that x must be a whole number:

4(1+3x) = 5(x-2)

Distributing the 4 and 5:

4 + 12x = 5x - 10

To get all the x terms on one side and constant terms on the other side, subtract 5x from both sides:

4 + 12x - 5x = 5x - 5x - 10


4 + 7x = -10

Now, let's isolate the x term by moving the constant term to the other side:

7x = -10 - 4

7x = -14

To find the value of x, divide both sides by 7:

7x/7 = -14/7


x = -2

Therefore, the solution is x = -2.