For the inequality x≤−3

, which number(s) listed makes the inequality true? (Check ALL that apply!)(3 points)

A. −75/22

B. -3.14

C. -2.101101110...

D. −√7

E. -10.1010

To determine which numbers make the inequality true, we need to substitute each number into the inequality and see if it holds true.

For x ≤ -3:
A. -75/22: -75/22 is less than -3. (x ≤ -3), therefore option A is true.
B. -3.14: -3.14 is not less than or equal to -3. (x ≤ -3), therefore option B is false.
C. -2.101101110...: -2.101101110... is not less than or equal to -3. (x ≤ -3), therefore option C is false.
D. -√7: -√7 is not less than or equal to -3. (x ≤ -3), therefore option D is false.
E. -10.1010: -10.1010 is less than -3. (x ≤ -3), therefore option E is true.

Based on these checks, the numbers that make the inequality true are A. -75/22 and E. -10.1010.