How do cyber communities differ from communities in the real world with regard to behavior

Cyber communities, also known as online communities, differ from communities in the real world in several ways with regard to behavior:

1. Anonymity: In cyber communities, it is often easier to maintain anonymity compared to real-world communities. This can lead to more uninhibited behavior, as individuals feel they can express themselves without fear of consequences.

2. Disinhibition effect: Due to the anonymity and lack of face-to-face interaction, individuals may exhibit a disinhibition effect online. This means they may engage in more extreme behaviors, express opinions they wouldn't in person, and be more confrontational or aggressive.

3. Trolling and cyberbullying: Cyber communities can be plagued by trolling and cyberbullying, where individuals deliberately provoke or harass others online. The lack of immediate consequences can embolden individuals to engage in harmful behavior that they wouldn't typically exhibit in real-world communities.

4. Wider reach and diversity: Online communities often have a larger and more diverse membership compared to real-world communities. This diversity can lead to a greater range of perspectives, but it can also lead to conflicts and clashes between different groups.

5. Hivemind mentality: Due to selective exposure and echo chambers, online communities can develop a hivemind mentality. This means that members often reinforce and amplify their own opinions and beliefs, potentially leading to groupthink and resistance to opposing viewpoints.

6. Increased focus on written communication: In cyber communities, most communication occurs through written text rather than non-verbal cues or tone of voice. This can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and a lack of nuance, making conflict resolution more challenging.

It's important to note that these behaviors are not universally exhibited in all cyber communities, and many online communities strive to create positive, inclusive, and respectful environments. However, the nature of the online medium can facilitate certain types of behavior that differ from those found in real-world communities.