In the expression below if a = 4, what value of b is needed for the expression to have a value of 81?


To find the value of b that would make the expression have a value of 81, we can substitute the given value of a = 4 into the expression:


Simplifying further:

To find the value of b that would make the expression equal to 81, we set it equal to 81 and solve for b:

768b^7(4b)^-4 = 81

Dividing both sides by 768 to isolate b:
b^7(4b)^-4 = 81/768

Taking the 7th root of both sides:
b(4b)^-4/7 = (81/768)^(1/7)

Simplifying the right side:
b(4b)^-4/7 = (1/9)

Multiplying both sides by (4b)^4/7:
b = (4b)^4/7 / 9

Now we can solve for b using an iterative process or a calculator. Let's use a calculator to find the approximate value of b:

b ≈ 3.315

Therefore, the value of b needed for the expression to have a value of 81 when a = 4 is approximately 3.315.