Is (-4, -8) a solution to this system of inequalities?


To check if (-4, -8) is a solution to the system of inequalities, we substitute the values of x and y into each inequality to see if they are satisfied.

First, we substitute x = -4 and y = -8 into the first inequality:
-8 < (1/4)(-4) - 5
-8 < -1 - 5
-8 < -6

This inequality is not satisfied, so (-4, -8) is not a solution to the first inequality.

Next, we substitute x = -4 and y = -8 into the second inequality:
-8 > (3/4)(-4) - 5
-8 > -3 - 5
-8 > -8

This inequality is satisfied, so (-4, -8) is a solution to the second inequality.

Since (-4, -8) does not satisfy the first inequality but satisfies the second inequality, it is not a solution to the system of inequalities.