Is (4, -3) a solution to this system of inequalities?

y <= 1/4x-4

To determine if the point (4, -3) is a solution to the system of inequalities, we need to substitute the x and y values into each inequality and check if the inequalities are satisfied.

1) y <= 1/4x - 4
Substituting the x and y values:
-3 <= 1/4(4) - 4
-3 <= 1 - 4
-3 <= -3
The inequality is satisfied.

2) y <= -1/4x - 7
Substituting the x and y values:
-3 <= -1/4(4) - 7
-3 <= -1 - 7
-3 <= -8
The inequality is not satisfied.

Therefore, the point (4, -3) is not a solution to the system of inequalities.