draw a valid lewis structure for each molecule. NC13 lewis dot structure

To draw the Lewis dot structure for NC13, we first need to determine the total number of valence electrons in the molecule.

N (Nitrogen) has 5 valence electrons, and each Cl (Chlorine) has 7 valence electrons.

So, the total number of valence electrons in NC13 is:
1(N) + 1(C) + 3(Cl) = 1(5) + 1(4) + 3(7) = 5 + 4 + 21 = 30 electrons.

Now, let's arrange these electrons around the atoms to form bonds and fulfill the octet rule.

We start by connecting Nitrogen (N) to Carbon (C) using a single bond, which uses 2 electrons:

N - C

Then, we connect each Chlorine (Cl) atom to Carbon (C) using a single bond, which uses 2 electrons for each bond:

N - C - Cl

After connecting the atoms with single bonds, we distribute the remaining electrons to complete the octet of each atom.

Starting with Carbon (C) which already has 2 electrons, we add 6 more electrons:

N - C - Cl
(6 e-)

Next, we add 3 more electrons to complete the octet of the Nitrogen (N) atom:

N (6e-) - C - Cl
(3 e-)

Finally, we add 7 electrons to complete the octet of each Chlorine (Cl) atom:

N (6e-) - C - Cl
Cl (8e-)
Cl (8e-)
(3 e-)

This configuration fulfills the octet rule, and all the 30 valence electrons have been used.

Therefore, the valid Lewis dot structure for NC13 is:

Cl - C - Cl