what are some textual evidence to support some passengers overcamethier fears while the others could not

To provide evidence of passengers overcoming their fears while others could not, you would need to reference specific scenes, actions, or dialogue from a text. Since you have not provided a text or any context, I can't provide direct textual evidence. However, I can offer general examples of what could be considered textual evidence:

1. Dialogue between characters:
- Passenger A: "I'm so scared! I can't believe we're flying!"
Passenger B: "Don't worry, we just have to trust the pilot and enjoy the journey."

2. Character actions:
- Passenger A clasped their hands tightly and closed their eyes during takeoff, while Passenger B calmly looked out the window, smiling.
- Passenger A held on to their seat tightly during turbulence, while Passenger B sipped their drink and chatted with a neighbor without any sign of fear.

3. Descriptions of character emotions or thoughts:
- The author noted that while some passengers were visibly anxious, a few managed to find inner strength and remain composed throughout the flight.
- Passenger A felt their heart racing and their palms sweating at the thought of the upcoming flight, while Passenger B took deep breaths and focused on staying positive.

Remember, to provide more specific textual evidence, you need to mention the name of the text or provide more details about the characters or specific scenes in order for me to give more accurate examples.