Question 5:Based on the reading, which New Deal Act do you think was influenced the most by Roosevelt's time in Warm Springs, GA? Why? Your answer should be 2-3 complete sentences.

Based on the reading, the New Deal Act that was influenced the most by Roosevelt's time in Warm Springs, GA was the Social Security Act. Roosevelt's experience with his own physical disability in Warm Springs made him empathize with the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and the elderly. This led him to prioritize creating a social safety net for these vulnerable populations, which is reflected in the establishment of Social Security as a means to provide financial support and healthcare for the elderly and disabled.

this is the reading,Roosevelt, a native New Yorker, first visited Georgia in 1913 on business for the U.S. Navy in Brunswick. In August 1921 he contracted polio while on a family vacation at Campobello Island in New Brunswick, Canada. He then sought to heal the damage caused by the disease. In October 1924 he learned of Warm Springs and its beneficial waters. He quickly grew to love Georgia and its people, and they welcomed him as their adopted son.

The water at Warm Springs maintains an average temperature of about eighty-eight degrees and bubbles out of nearby Pine Mountain, one of several quartzite ridges running through west central Georgia. According to legend, sick and injured Creek Indians once came to the springs to recover from their ills, in much the same way that Roosevelt used the healing waters. He generally visited in late March and April and again in the fall, when he traditionally shared Thanksgiving dinner with other patients. He swam, sat in the sun, caught up on correspondence, and went for drives in the countryside, which had been devastated by the boll weevil and plummeting cotton prices.

President Roosevelt likely drew inspiration to create New Deal programs such as the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the Rural Electrification Administration during these drives—indeed, the president called Warm Springs the birthplace of the Rural Electrification Administration in 1938. Georgia farmers were hit especially hard by the Great Depression, and their recovery was slowed by the high cost of electricity, which was used in 90 percent of urban homes and only 10 percent of rural homes by 1935. Electric companies were simply not willing to string miles of wire to widely dispersed rural families, so those families had to go without economic stimulants like the light bulb, the electric water pump, and the electric iron. Roosevelt himself felt this cost in Warm Springs—his first electric bill at the Little White House was four times greater than that of his New York home.

Based on the reading, the New Deal Act that was influenced the most by Roosevelt's time in Warm Springs, GA was the Rural Electrification Administration (REA). The reading mentions that Georgia farmers were hit hard by the Great Depression and that their recovery was slowed by the high cost of electricity, which was primarily available in urban areas. This likely led Roosevelt to understand the importance of bringing electricity to rural communities, which is reflected in the creation of the REA to provide funding and support for the electrification of rural areas.

can you put it in 2-3 complete sentences. plz

Based on the reading, the New Deal Act that was influenced the most by Roosevelt's time in Warm Springs, GA was the Rural Electrification Administration (REA). The high cost of electricity faced by Georgia farmers during the Great Depression made Roosevelt realize the need to bring electricity to rural areas. This led to the establishment of the REA, which provided funding and support for the electrification of rural communities.

cant you just sum it up

Roosevelt's time in Warm Springs, GA influenced the creation of the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) as part of the New Deal. Seeing the struggles of Georgia farmers with high electricity costs during the Great Depression, Roosevelt recognized the need to bring electricity to rural areas. The REA was established to provide funding and support for the electrification of these communities.

so to sum it up, GA influenced the creation of the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) as part of the New Deal. Seeing the struggles of Georgia farmers with high electricity costs during the Great Depression, Roosevelt recognized the need to bring electricity to rural areas.

Yes, that is a concise and accurate summary.