Things to know about living better with wild animals while using deterrent

1. Understand their behavior: It is important to educate yourself about the behavior patterns and habits of the wild animals that may be causing problems. This knowledge will help you understand why they are attracted to your property and what you can do to deter them effectively.

2. Remove attractants: Wild animals are often drawn to human settlements because of the availability of food, water, or shelter. Ensure your property is free of any attractants, such as unsecured trash cans, compost piles, or bird feeders. Store your food properly and seal any potential entry points in your home.

3. Install physical barriers: Depending on the type of wildlife you are encountering, installing physical barriers can be highly effective. This may include fences, netting, or wire mesh to prevent animals from accessing certain areas. For example, electric fencing can deter larger animals like bears or deer.

4. Use noise and light deterrents: Many wild animals are scared away by loud noises or bright lights. You can use motion-activated lights, ultrasonic speakers, or even radios playing loudly to deter animals from entering your property.

5. Chemical deterrents: There are various commercially available repellents that can be effective in deterring wildlife. These repellents typically use strong smells or tastes that animals find unpleasant or irritating. Make sure to use non-toxic repellents that do not harm the animals or the environment.

6. Utilize scare tactics: Certain animals can be scared away with scare tactics, such as scarecrows, large inflatable predators, or reflective tape. Changing the placement of these scare devices frequently can increase their effectiveness.

7. Maintain your property: Regular maintenance of your property is important to prevent wild animals from finding attractive hiding spots or burrows. Trim overgrown shrubs or trees that can act as hiding spots and remove any debris, wood piles, or brush piles that can serve as potential shelters.

8. Avoid feeding wildlife: While it may be tempting to feed wildlife, it is best to avoid this practice. Feeding wild animals can lead to dependency, alter their natural behavior, and increase their population, ultimately creating more conflicts.

9. Respect their territory: When living near wild animals, it's important to respect their natural territory. Do not approach or try to interact with them, as this can lead to dangerous situations for both you and the animal. Observe from a distance and give them space.

10. Seek professional help if necessary: If you are experiencing persistent issues with wild animals or are unsure about the best deterrent methods, it may be best to seek help from local wildlife professionals. They can provide you with guidance tailored to your specific situation and help you find the most effective solutions.